All compilations of all English guitar chords.
Come Holy Spirit (Fall on me now) by City Harvest
Cry in My Heart by Starfield
F - G
For All You've Done by Don Moen
Forever, O Lord by David Morris (Integrity Hosanna! Music)
Goodness of God by Bethel Music
H - I
High and Lifted Up by LaMar Boschman (Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
I will sing, celebrate, dance by Unknown Artist
One Thing by Hillsong
That is Why by Christ for the Nations (CFNI)
The Lord is our Defense by Unknown Artist
We Declare Your Majesty by Maranatha! Vocal Band
We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory by Dennis Jernigan
What a mighty God we serve by Hezekiah Walker and The Love Fellowship Choir
Worthy of it All by CeCe Winans