Love is like jet lag
by Enelea
TWs: Not a writer… okay maybe a new writer, corny romance, don't know where this went.

Lucy got home from work with the sun shining bright in the sky. She hoped she had even just five minutes to see him before he leaves.
Her eyelids were heavy and mind stressed, but seeing Stuart still at home pumped a little bit of energy into her fatigued body so she could muster a smile. “Good morning,” she greeted.
“Morning,” he replied, passing by her to make a quick breakfast.
“Late again?”
“I was hoping not this time.” He made himself PB&J, hastily placing the plate and knife in the sink. “How was work?”
“Cranky customers like usual.” She set her bag down to make him a second sandwich. “Do you want seconds?”
“No, thanks.” He planted a quick peck in her cheek. “Love you, talk to you soon.”
Just like that five minutes was over and the apartment felt empty, as if nobody lived in it but her.
Lucy wanted to believe it wasn't always like that. But the moment she crashed in bed, she dozed off the rest of the day while Stuart was in school, wishing he'd hurry to get a degree and get a well-paying job.
Stuart gets home early in the evening, expecting Lucy was either asleep or ready for work. Either way, this was what they'd call a passing hour. A moment in time where they'd see each other in passing before they go to different worlds again.
Fortunately for him, Lucy was ready for work and she already made dinner for them.
“Hey. How was class?” she asked as she stood by the mirror, putting lipstick on.
“I got a B minus on my exam, which I don't think is so bad. It's still a passing grade, right?” Stuart went to get plates for them both.
“I already ate.” Lucy returned the lipstick back in her purse.
“Do you want me to drive?” He returned the plates. “I can do my homework later. I can take you to work.”
Lucy pulled him close, wrapping her arms around his neck. “As much as I want you to, maybe another time. I want you to ace your exams and do well in school.”
“My mom already gives me that pep talk,” he joked.
Without saying another word, Lucy leaned to his… (this is a rated pg story so let's fast forward to a safer scene).
Stuart loves her, she knows that. She loves him and he knows that. But did knowing each other’s feelings make their relationship any better? When she was home, he wasn’t and when he wasn’t busy doing school work, she was at work.
“Hello? Earth to Lucy?” Her co-worker snapped his fingers in front of her.
Lucy looked up at Cameron, his eyes filled with concern as he combed back his brown locks with his hands.
“Back to earth yet?”
“The spaceship just landed,” Lucy teased, slouching on her seat and subconsciously tapping her pen on the desk.
“Did you forget that gravity exists here? Your mind is floating to places.”
Lucy set the pen down. “Yeah, I went to places except to be there when he’s home.” She didn’t realize she spoke with a harsh tone until Cameron took a step back. “I’m sorry.”
“If things aren’t working out, why won’t you two talk about it?”
“We did talk about it.”
Lucy remembered vividly that Stuart couldn’t make any compromises with his schedule. If anything, she was the one who should be quitting her job and finding something else to do. Something to accommodate them both.
“And it’s working out just fine,” she answered.
“If it’s working just fine, why don’t you look happy?”
“I don’t know Cameron, I don’t have all the answers.” She snapped again and this time she was aware of it, yet she didn’t stop herself from saying something she’d regret.
Cameron nodded, trying to see her eye to eye but she looked away from his gaze.
“Alright. I’ll check Google for some answers. Maybe I’ll find it there.” Cameron turned a heel. “Have a good evening, Lucy.” And he went back to his cubicle.
The moment he’s gone, Lucy turned back to her computer.
“I’m fine,” she told herself.
She gripped the pen.
“I’m fine.”
Lucy believed it. Yet for some reason, tears poured from her eyes. Maybe her logic believed it but her heart didn’t.
When her shift finished, she stared at her phone screen, contemplating whether or not she should text Stuart to pick her up. It was still dark, the sun hadn’t come up yet so he’d probably still be fast asleep.
“Is he picking you up?” A voice behind her said. As if Cameron had read her mind.
“Do you want a ride home?” He gestured at his car in the parking lot.
Lucy shook her head.
“Are you sure?”
“Cameron…” she started.
His brows furrowed, reaching a hand to comfort her. When she began to sob, he held back. Maybe she didn’t want him to comfort her. Maybe she wanted her boyfriend. Not him.
“Why am I always the one put in a spot to compromise to keep this relationship together?” she blurted.
Cameron didn’t know what to say and he didn’t want to risk saying the wrong thing so he kept his lips sealed.
“You’re right. I’m not fine,” she continued. “I’m not.”
“I know you’re not.”
“Does he?”