Another big revamp project for the website! Yip yip!
If you've long been wondering why the website is called Floppi Pages, here is a short background as to why.
Floppy Disk is a disk storage that can contain all sorts of data introduced back in 1971.
Pages as you all may know is kind of general term but in this case, it is used to represent 'books' or 'stories' or anything written by an author.
At the time it was being brainstormed between father and daughter in Year 2018, the concept was to come up with a brand that expresses 'writing and stories'. Father and daughter had a list of concept names until one winner came out triumphant the elimination; Floppi Pages.
The daughter went ahead and outlined a concept for the website design. Initially the design was focused on implementing books. As seen below, the focus was solely on short stories and novels like Wattpad but stories are exclusively written by one author.

It was an inspiring idea at first, design was finished in weeks and book covers were edited in the next couple of months. Content comes chapter by chapter, only to be slowed down by the lack of platform to post it to.
There are also other available content like Text Interactive Games to which the same author had also been studying to release. As time consuming as book writing, the games eventually came to a half after 3 prototypes.

With now the official Floppi Pages website released, little by little that drawing that was done in Photoshop is about to be reality.
Folders formerly dubbed as "wikis" are now known as DISKS.
For easy scrolling, easy browsing, everything is compiled for you to see.

The Disks are divided into two. Main Categories and Sub-Categories.
Main Categories are everything related to the very general topic of something.
For example, we have "Everything Books", which means it could be anything related to all of our Book posts. Book recommendations, book discussions, book quotes, etc.
Sub Categories on the other hand are the specifics.
Let's go back to our previous example. "Everything Books" is our main category, if we click on it, we have everything related to it but what if we only want Book Recommendations? Sub-Categories does the job for us, separating only Book Recommendation posts.
There are also now Buttons!
These Buttons are suggestions or links leading to another part of the website. Completely safe. See below our example (screenshot taken from Everything Anime Disk).
At the very bottom of our Everything Anime Disk, we see suggestions of possible Sub-Categories you can explore.

And lastly, we have new buttons where readers, viewers and members alike can click on. Request button will no longer be available on the side (if Website) or the top (if mobile), it will now also be available at the bottom of a blog for easy access. Once again the concept is developed for your convenience!
Now what is this Contribute button? This is new.
Actually no, it has been there since the beginning of the website. We've had "Send a Tip" for a while now but after our survey last August 2021, we've been notified that it sounded more like "Send a Tip (money)" than "Send a Tip (information)" so we had it changed to "Pass the Massage" now.
And again easily accessible if you want to give information or want to contribute for a future post in the website.

We will be recruiting volunteer writers pretty soon and they can have their own customized Floppi Disk so their loyal readers can keep track of everything their favorite authors have written. If you are interested, click on this link to apply for our Author/Writer Affiliate.
Thank you for reading!
What a really cute history and definitely creative thought.